What can we say about Mind Spiders that hasn’t already been said by a big publication like Noisey or Pitchfork? Not too much, so we’ll give you a quick recap: the former Marked Men members, from Denton, are critically acclaimed because they are good at what they do, and have been consistent for what seems like an eternity in modern North Texas punk. In fact, you should probably just read the most recent Noisey article and save us a little time. A band like this comes around and you wonder why they haven’t made a big move to New York City already *hint hint.* We’ll post the link to the Noisey interview below this article.

This will be Kira Jari’s third show with Mind Spiders, and that should already give you an idea of the caliber of Kira Jari’s underground credibilty. The amount of bands all 4 of these members are in and have been in seems almost pointless to list, because it would be too long, but we’ll give you what we think are the highlights: ANS, Stymie, Hate Your Friends, and Razorbumps. The band is basically a pop-punk supergroup, but if you told them that they would probably just laugh and tell you to have a beer. Coming off of a tour and tape release early this year, recorded by Cool Devices, a studio built by The Marked Men members, the band is expected to have another release recorded soon... or at least before Cool Devices calls it quits after Mind Spiders makes their big move.

The event will be at one of newest venues out of Fort Worth, Main at South Side- or MASS for short. The band has been hosting a wide variety of bands on its rather tall stage, while also serving alcohol for guests 21 and up. The 18+ club gained its first notoriety in the scene for having multiple owners, then again for its $15 price tags on events. Over time, the venue has became more relaxed on the entry fee and who it’s willing to book, and is continuing to find its own identity. Tonight’s show is an indicator that the venue may be willing to host more punk shows, but that’s given that the punk rock community will accept its 18+ only policy.

Tonight’s show will be $10. Starts at 8pm.
